Please see below all current and past projects completed by Grand Challenges participants.
Nuclear Rubber Duckies
How might we change public perception around nuclear energy to facilitate the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy?
How might we assist patients suffering from dementia in improving their hydration habits?
How might we improve insulin storage and supply to diabetics in less developed countries after experiencing a natural disaster?
The Leak Geeks
How might we detect leaks in municipal service lines in order to prevent costly pipe bursts and water loss?
The Growing Crisis of Sex Trafficking
How might we impact the safety of youth in low socio-economic, inner-city areas by preventing sex trafficking?
Healthy High
How might we reduce the health risks of CBD/THC vaping and protect consumers from detrimental chemicals?
How might me make hydroponics a more widespread agricultural system in the United States?
Biomass Cooking and Air Quality
How might we improve indoor air quality for people who rely on solid fuels for cooking?
Scope Tech
How might we provide additional support to teachers and faculty during hazardous events?
Food Catch
How might we connect people with restrictive diets to restaurants that cater to their restrictions?