Please see below all current and past projects completed by Grand Challenges participants.


Educate and empower individuals to create sustainable and effective subsistence farming systems with ease.
Creating Care

Seeking to provide flexible care assistance with the hopes of promoting aging in place among your loved ones.
CSEB Shingles

Combining hurricane-resilient clay roofing techniques with a cheap proven material: Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEBs)
PFAS Busters

Clean PFA contaminated water sources to reopen them for use, saving money and maximizing the availability of water.

Color changing hospital supply labels that will increase the visibility of expiration dates.

Provide an affordable, at home testing kit for people with kidney disease or at risk of that comes with a plastic add-on for your phone camera that allows consistent and accurate testing.

Create a centralized dashboard that will take the burden of communication off of the staff.

To reduce the likelihood of dooring, our solution aims to extend your available reaction time by using infrared sensors to provide bikers with alerts to look out for car doors ahead.

A smartphone app that minimizes teen driver distractions to make them safer drivers over time.

A new method of soil testing, where you pool samples of your soil, so you spend less money on sending multiple samples from across your garden or farm.

A new form factor for a pulse oximeter with a unique algorithm to analyze incoming absorbance data.
Disaster Jackets

Creation of a website where people can sign up for and add their special needs there, we can help them find shelters that will support their special needs when disaster happens.
The Gingerbread Men

An entirely web-based application that helps determine the right location for struggling new restaurant owners.
No Jargon

A free extension to get website specific information on improving your privacy, all within the browser.

A database to store evacuated resident addresses as an effective manner to expedite the process of search and rescue during a disaster.
AED Anywhere

The creation of a network of autonomous drones that can deliver AEDs anywhere, in a fraction of the response time of traditional ambulances.

A spellchecking software for your favorite note-taking application, made for students with dyslexia.

Enabling decentralized/offline communication of medical information to hospitals and first responders.
Clothing Waste

Production of denim and cotton-blend insulation to reduce clothing buildup in landfills.

An app for IOS that allows parents to remotely controlgrayscale on their child's phone and other devices.