Blank Space (small)
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We are a collection of undergraduate researchers looking into the field of natural disaster response. Through a diverse set of exploration tactics we have defined our problem space, and deductively found a solution to ease the lives of our users, EMS workers, as they work to the benefits of their communities.

Through a method of identifying the population set most likely to use our product and systematically addressing the frictions we have encountered along the way in developing it we have found that a database to store evacuated resident addresses is an effective manner to expedite the process of search and rescue. 

We have found that direct contact with users through Bluetooth connections as well as beacon systems have been fraught with distribution challenges, so we plan on using a form concept until we can test a more physical marker.

Team: Ben Diprete Suhanna Bamzai Zac Haataja Althea Noonan Evan Strakes